Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Wow, today at the store was craziness! Good craziness, though. :-P Fireproof came out on DVD today, so lots of people were in to either purchase it or pick-up their pre-buys. We're anticipating tomorrow to be as crazy or maybe even more crazy. I worked the registers today, and tomorrow I'm a greeter. :-) Fun stuff.

Started my research project. Mom still hasn't given me the due date yet, but I went to the library Sunday afternoon and got a few books. I began reading/note-taking on one of them yesterday.

Saturday, I'm heading up to the Clemmons/Winston-Salem area. I'm staying the night at my friends' house so I can go to church with them on Sunday. I'm going with their church group on a missions trip this spring, and they're having a meeting during first service. I missed the last one (they sent me an audio CD of it), and we figured it would be nice for me to get to go to this one. If I had my own vehicle, I can drive up on Sunday mornings for that sort of thing, but I don't, and both cars are needed here on Sundays. (Dad, the kids, and I all go to first service, then Mom comes with the baby and joins us for second. The baby's still too small to sit through two services.)

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