Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Prayer Request

Please put Tyler Farver on your prayer lists, folks. Last Saturday morning, Tyler was in an ATV accident. He had a lot of internal inuries, though God has been extremely gracious in this situation. For more updates, visit http://www.therebelution.com/blog/2009/01/urgent-pray-for-tyler-farver. Thanks!


Wow, today at the store was craziness! Good craziness, though. :-P Fireproof came out on DVD today, so lots of people were in to either purchase it or pick-up their pre-buys. We're anticipating tomorrow to be as crazy or maybe even more crazy. I worked the registers today, and tomorrow I'm a greeter. :-) Fun stuff.

Started my research project. Mom still hasn't given me the due date yet, but I went to the library Sunday afternoon and got a few books. I began reading/note-taking on one of them yesterday.

Saturday, I'm heading up to the Clemmons/Winston-Salem area. I'm staying the night at my friends' house so I can go to church with them on Sunday. I'm going with their church group on a missions trip this spring, and they're having a meeting during first service. I missed the last one (they sent me an audio CD of it), and we figured it would be nice for me to get to go to this one. If I had my own vehicle, I can drive up on Sunday mornings for that sort of thing, but I don't, and both cars are needed here on Sundays. (Dad, the kids, and I all go to first service, then Mom comes with the baby and joins us for second. The baby's still too small to sit through two services.)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

First Post: An Introduction To Me

I've never used Blogger before, and I can't promise I'll be on much, but I'll post when I can.
So, do you want to get to know me? (Well, you might not. I'm a bit crazy sometimes. :-P ) Hehe Well, I'm Jessica. You can see some stuff about me in that sidebar profile, but I'm not really "normal" - according to our culture that is. I'm definitely different, which is good. I mean, this world says teens (and young adults, too) should just goof around and not do anything worth anything until they're about 40. I'd like to change that opinion. :-D
Even though I'm not spending my life goofing around, I do still like to have fun. I also am a big fan of mysteries, thrillers (Christian, of course), and various other genres. However, I'm not a big romance fan. I don't think we should dwell on that since it just makes us want a wonderful romance, and the way we women operate, we spend forever dreaming of Prince Charming instead of what we should be doing. God's already written each of our love stories and leaving it up to Him is best.
I'm a writer on top of everything else I've already mentioned. I've written poems, song lyrics, short stories, and I'm in the process of a creating a longer story. I'm a fan of adventure and peril in all my stuff and in the stuff I read/watch. :-) My sisters think it's hilariously strange, but I like stories where the main guy (it's not the same if it's a female character - I guess 'cause it's more noble for it to happen to the guy when he's in pursuit of the truth or protecting someone) gets hurt (NOT fatally). :-D
So that's a bit about me. Next time, I'll blog about my life.